#dnug45 im darmstadtium
Was für eine Konferenz! Zwei intensive Tage voller Collaboration and Cognitive Solutions Highlights. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer, Sprecher und Sponsoren - ihr habt die #dnug45 zu einem erkenntnis- und begegnungsreichen Erlebnis werden lassen.

Die Präsentationen der Konferenzvorträge werden auf sessions.dnug.de veröffentlicht.

#dnug46 vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2019!

avatar for Julian Mosen

Julian Mosen

University of Koblenz
Julian Mosen is the Head of Application Development of the University Competence Center for Collaboration Technology (www.uct.de), core member of the Center for Enterprise Information Research (www.ceir.de), an active member of the DNUG “Fachgruppe Development” and a researcher at the University of Koblenz. While his research focuses on social documents in enterprise collaboration platforms (e.g. HCL Connections), he supports his students in the practical application of HCL Domino for prototyping the latest innovative approaches in information systems. By this, Julian transfers theoretical and scientific concepts from the research field of Collaboration Technology into practice.