#dnug45 im darmstadtium
Was für eine Konferenz! Zwei intensive Tage voller Collaboration and Cognitive Solutions Highlights. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer, Sprecher und Sponsoren - ihr habt die #dnug45 zu einem erkenntnis- und begegnungsreichen Erlebnis werden lassen.

Die Präsentationen der Konferenzvorträge werden auf sessions.dnug.de veröffentlicht.

#dnug46 vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2019!

avatar for Jason Roy Gary

Jason Roy Gary

Jason Roy Gary is the HCL Vice President of Next Generation Engineering. A recognized executive in social business and collaboration, at HCL, IBM, and in the global marketplace, Jason has demonstrated, in more than two decades of leadership, vision and drive in social collaboration, agile development, cloud and hybrid, software architecture, real-time collaboration, agile transformation, open source initiatives, and situational applications. Jason has led innovation efforts in collaboration and workflow from development engineering and services. He is an acknowledged thought leader and is widely solicited, by the industry, to speak and provide thought focus around the world.