#dnug45 im darmstadtium
Was für eine Konferenz! Zwei intensive Tage voller Collaboration and Cognitive Solutions Highlights. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer, Sprecher und Sponsoren - ihr habt die #dnug45 zu einem erkenntnis- und begegnungsreichen Erlebnis werden lassen.

Die Präsentationen der Konferenzvorträge werden auf sessions.dnug.de veröffentlicht.

#dnug46 vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2019!

avatar for David Simpson

David Simpson

AppFusions Sr. Developer and Architect
AppFusions Sr. Developer and Architect, for over 8 years, David is a long time innovator of AppFusions' solutions. His expertise, passion, and obsessive penchant for best-in-class user experience design is both refreshing and invigorating as AppFusions' designs have matured over the years. In short, the details - matter - a lot for David, and those details are not just look, but also the click-by-click "feel" - the UXs that customers either endure, or accept delightfully. We aim for delight far more than mere-endures these days. Stop by and meet David - he's a funny chap, though, so bring along some dry Brit humor too!