#dnug45 im darmstadtium
Was für eine Konferenz! Zwei intensive Tage voller Collaboration and Cognitive Solutions Highlights. Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer, Sprecher und Sponsoren - ihr habt die #dnug45 zu einem erkenntnis- und begegnungsreichen Erlebnis werden lassen.

Die Präsentationen der Konferenzvorträge werden auf sessions.dnug.de veröffentlicht.

#dnug46 vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2019!

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Aarti Borkar

Aarti Borkar is the Vice President of Offering Management and Design for IBM Talent Management and Collaboration. She leads a worldwide team of offering managers and designers with responsibility for the suite vision and direction. She has a background in defining product direction and executing on the strategy through various Product Management and Development roles across IBM Cloud and Analytics. She had led various teams including IBM API Management, Cloud Integration and Messaging, Information Integration, Governance, Security and Privacy. She also spent a year as the Chief of Staff for the GM of IBM’s Middleware Business. She has a Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Bombay University, Masters in Computer Science from University of Southern California and a Masters in Technology Commercialization from the University of Texas at Austin.